Sunday, September 28, 2008

Palin Implodes

So far, my fave is "Infantile repetition." Just imagining what it would be like, to be one of Sarah Palin's "handlers", brings me to tears. It might even be funny if it wasn't so scarey.

In a world exclusive The NATIONAL ENQUIRER names GOP VP Candidate Sarah Palin's secret lover! If you use words like "extramarital affair" in close proximity to "Sarah Palin" it will get attention, isn't that what Republican politics is all about? Distorting the truth and fear mongering? Heck, I think any red blooded American will understand being cold and lonely, especially up there in Alaska, the land of perpetual night, and come to their own conclusions.

Conservatives Begin Questioning Palin’s Heft FOX News discovers that Palin spent too much time at the gym, too chubby in some places, overly lightweight in others. The problem is not with her positions, it appears she will do whatever you ask.

Palin's Stand on Mining Initiative Leaves Many Feeling Burned in the September 28. Washington Post. Palin makes a politically expedient flip flop over an Alaskan environmental issue, "red is better than green."

Gov. Palin Makes Maxim's Mag's Hottest List but ranked only number two. In all fairness to Sarah, this is about as sexist as calling her a bimbo.

Transcript of Part I. The interview between CBS News anchor Katie Couric and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin Check out the tart little gems like

"I'm all about the position that America is in and that we have to look at a $700 billion bailout."

Nobody will ever accuse Sarah Palin of talking down to someone. Maybe Maxim got it right and Sarah Palin is "all about positions".

Transcript of Part II. Exclusive: Palin On Foreign Policy where Sarah Palin becomes a the leading example of just how foreign, foreign policy can be.

Palin: I'm not one of those who maybe came from a background of, you know, kids who perhaps graduate college and their parents give them a passport and give them a backpack and say go off and travel the world.

No, I've worked all my life. In fact, I usually had two jobs all my life until I had kids. I was not a part of, I guess, that culture. The way that I have understood the world is through education, through books, through mediums that have provided me a lot of perspective on the world.

Palin’s Words Raise Red Flags by Bob Herbert in the NY Times.

But Ms. Palin has given no indication yet that she is capable of handling the monumental responsibilities of the presidency if she were called upon to do so.

In fact, the opposite is the case. We know that there are some parts of Alaska from which, if the day is clear and your eyesight is good, you can actually see Russia. But the infantile repetition of this bit of trivia as some kind of foreign policy bona fide for a vice presidential candidate should give us pause.

Infantile repetition? Sounds like email spam? Who picked Sarah for a shot at the Vice-Presidency of the United States?

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